3 – The Design Cycle

Cycle of the Design Process

Cycle of the Design Process

This chart is a short version of the whole process. Why is this chart important? Don’t close yourself to new ideas too early in the process. Come up with concepts after you ideate and tried some prototypes, the concept is probably going to be a mix of a few ideas, not just one.

Keep prototyping and showing to your team, your mom, whoever you believe can give feedback. Then act on it. Be open to re-do your concept and your prototype as you move on. Be as iterative as possible.

From now on I am going step by step with you. Trying to explain what to do in each stage. Documenting as much as possible. As said in Myth Busters, “The only difference between science and screwing around, is writing it down.”

Next: the Open-Analyse-Close process

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